domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Is it too early for Christmas?

Tree at Atlas Mall, Queens, NY

Hi everyone, I think I don't even deserve to write again, I mean what started as a "regular" blog ended up in two weeks without posting anything. I do have a good excuse... Work, work and more work, I've been so busy at work that I haven't had time to even go shopping (which is clearly the most important thing and the only thing that you should do when you have some time off).

But now that we're talking about my job (whether you like it or not) it actually have to do something about Christmas, I work as a seasonal decorator for a Christmas decorating company where we make the magic as they say, and every time I'm working where there's people walking around one or two comes with the typical "Christmas already?" in which I nicely reply "It's never too early for Christmas" that I then added "...for some people" since I remember that not everyone celebrates Christmas.

So basically I wanted to know if some of you start decorating early or leave everything for the last minute?

Tree at Yale, CT

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Cooking: Stuffed Mushrooms (Recipe Test)

Mushrooms are one of those vegetables that when I eat them I feel like I'm doing something good for my self plus I feel like I'm eating something fancy and expensive (which is not at all fancy and expensive). I've been following cooking shows on YouTube for quite a long time now and one of those channels is the Laura In The Kitchen show, I really like her cooking and how welcoming she is. I wanted to try one of her recipes and why not start with a super simple recipe?

This is pretty easy to follow, watch the video below so you can make it yourself.

I started with making the bread crumbs which is pretty easy to make, I used whole wheat bread instead of white bread (because that's what we had) and when I mixed the stuffing it tasted amazing.I put it on the oven and it looked just like the video.

 I took them to work the next day with brown rice that my aunt made and to be honest I wasn't impressed, I mean the recipe worked fine I just don't like mushrooms I guess, since I left too much of the meat I tasted a lot of it and it wasn't pleasant for me, if you like mushrooms this is perfect for you and even if I didn't succeed (or did I?) I recommend you to try it.

This was the final result after I put them in the oven, the recipe says to cook them for 20 minutes but after 10 minutes mine were done (in my opinion) so I took them out.

If you try the stuffed mushrooms please let me know how were they. I hope you enjoy this post and don't forget to keep reading the other ones, have a nice one.

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