miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

6 Quick & Easy Easter DIY Projects | Crafting Wednesday

Every Wednesday I'm going to bring you Crafting Wednesday where I share with you an original DIY project or a collection of crafts around the internet, this week is Easter themed and I'm going to show you 6 Quick & Easy Easter DIY Projects.

  1. Make Your Own Easter Crayons by Moonfrye
  2. Easy Easter Craft: Paper Straw Easter Egg by Keeping it Simple
  3. DIY Paint Chip Easter Garland by Modern Parents Messy Kids
  4. Paper Strip Easter Egg by Minted 
  5. Eggshell Votives by Martha Stewart 
  6. Tie Dyed Easter Eggs by Housing a Forest

Let me know in the comments if you've tried one of this 6 Quick & Easy Easter DIY Projects and if you would like to add a DIY Project for a future blog post you can the link to your website on the comments as well. Happy Crafting.

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